DDDDD IIIII SSSS ''' ''' ''' DDDDD A TTTTT D D I S S ''' ''' n ''' D D A A T D D I S ' ' nnnnnn ' D D A A T D D I SSSS ' ' n n ' D D A A T D D I S n n D D AAAAAAA T D D I S S n n D D A A T DDDDD IIIII SSSS n n DDDDD A A T "All Disney news fitted to print" __________________________________________________________________________ Volume 2 Number 5 May 94 Edition __________________________________________________________________________ In this issue... o Disney's Secret Weapon During Financial Discussions o FDC Column o The First Annual FDC Honors Results o Top 10 Reasons Why the Mighty Ducks Didn't Make the Playoffs o An Extraordinary Opportunity for Collectors o Euro Disney's Official Theme Song __________________________________________________________________________ Disney's Secret Weapon During Financial Discussions __________________________________________________________________________ From all the bad news about Euro-Disney, it seems a wonder that any bankers would even consider to continue financing the park. We at DIS' 'n' DAT have long pondered this very question, but it wasn't until one of our Disney Inciters (Deep Hisssss), explained the situation. It seems that the negotiations were all held in a special office sup- plied by Disney. Into this office, subliminal messages were broadcast, to the haunting tune of the song sung by the character Kaa in the movie _The Jungle Book_. We have gotten the text of those messages, and have reproduced them below: May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 2 Trust Disney... just Disney... Close those books, and laugh with glee! You can see the park is sound - Knowing Dis-ney's around. Sign your check, don't read our numbers, Please ignore the 'conomists. Slowly and surely your finances Will cease to exist. Trust Disney... just Disney... Shut your eyes and think "Turkey!" __________________________________________________________________________ FDC Column __________________________________________________________________________ In this second installment of the FDC column, we once again have an additional FDC column following this one. [This is starting to become a tradition. Ed.] In this column, we continue the biographies of some more FDC members. If you are wondering what the FDC is, you may want to check out last month's issue (see the trailing matter of this newsletter for sites that archive this newsletter). In a nutshell, there is a growing group of nor- mal [THAT has got to be debated! Ed.], everyday people that have dreams of working for the Disney company in one capacity or another. The FDC was founded to allow such people an opportunity to pretend that they do work for "the Big D" in some capacity or another. Most of the more recent "jobs" in the FDC are that of character walkarounds, who assume the role of their character quite literally in correspondence on r.a.d. Once again, DIS' 'n' DAT has asked some of the more prolific and ver- satile members of the FDC to tell the world just who they are and how they came to r.a.d in the first place. Their responses, slightly edited, fol- low: Sherline Lee - sherline@casbah.acns.nwu.edu Sherline is the FDC Head of Clean-up Animation, and is also Walka- round Princess Jasmine, two roles she takes pretty seriously. Sherline's in her second year with r.a.d, having started last year after beginning her freshman year with Northwestern. Aside from FDC duties, she's a full time student... a biology/psych major/minor, pre-law and pre-med as of now. [Sherline apparently doesn't believe in full schedules - Ed.] She is also a computer "nerd" (she admits that she's actually a student consultant there). Sherline's room on campus is covered with Disney posters and other Disney paraphernalia, and she's an avid collector of Disney trading cards, gifs, and stickers. She describes herself as "a pack rat... er, mouse." When did Sherline's fascination with Disney begin? "Well, it began at an early age," she explains, "given that my father took me to every Disney movie that came out. But what was the hook line and May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 3 sinker was the animation. I'm an avid drawer, hence clean-up anima- tion. What amazed me was turning thousands, millions of drawings into something that involved people... and made them forget what they were watching were a bunch of drawings." As far as being FDC Walkaround Jasmine is concerned, Sherline finds it one of the more fun roles on r.a.d. She explains, "Temperamen- tally, Jasmine and I are most similar, as compared to Belle or Ariel... and... er, well... I certainly look more like Jasmine than Belle or Ariel." She explains that statement by explaining that she doesn't have red or brown hair or blue or brown eyes for that matter. Sherline continues, "If I ever had the chance, I wouldn't mind being a real theme-park Walk Around Jasmine... especially if it involves singing." Sherline muses that given the choice, however, she'd rather be a real clean-up animator for Disney and amaze people with the art of animation. Bob "Yojimbo" Ito - ito@alumni.cs.colorado.edu Many people post pictures of Disney characters to the various binary newsgroups. For the most part, these are scanned in from books and CD covers, or grabbed from frames on video cassette and laser disc. Bob Ito is one exception to this rule. Bob is the cartoonist arm of "Ito Galleries, Inc.," which posts pen and ink drawings of Disney characters, notably Belle, in ridiculous situations. A typical draw- ing posted recently showed Mad Madame Bobbitt in silhouette at Walt Disney World, with various male Disney characters fleeing for their lives. These are scanned in and posted to the net with humorous descriptions by Amberle Ferrian, whose bio appeared in last month's issue. Like Linda Larkin, the speaking voice of Jasmine, Bob is originally from Minnesota. Unlike Amberle Ferrian, he was smart enough to move out of the Great White North, and currently lives in "The People's Republic of Boulder" in Colorado. Bob originally studied chemistry and math in college, and then com- puter science, and, somehow, with all that technical education, wound up doing all these pen & ink Disney cartoons ("not pencil", he insists) [Mea culpa - Ed.]. While a lot of his free time goes to "Disney/the net/cartooning, which all sort of runs together," he also spends a fair amount of spare time training in the Korean martial art of taekwon-do. He has found, much to his regret, that this training is rather useless when it comes to working as an FDC bodyguard, as he's often faced with incoming waves of water, which not even Bruce Lee could block, punch, or kick apart. Bob also enjoys theatre, in particular Shakespeare, and reading. Bob describes his fascination with Disney: "While I used to watch Disney's animated features from time to time whenever they re- released them in the theatres, it wasn't until _The Little Mermaid_ that I really became a Disney fan, and when _Beauty and the Beast_ came out, I was hooked. And I stumbled onto r.a.d a year or two ago, and the rest is history - or something like that." For those who are curious about such things, Bob claims to have the May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 4 same birthday as Greta Garbo [This could make him one of the oldest members of the FDC - Ed.]. In honor of Bob's job in the FDC as Bodyguard for the Walk-Arounds Belle and Jasmine, Bob adds "Yojimbo" to his name, from the Japanese word for "bodyguard." Carol Koster - rich@yensid.ness.com With a cheery "Yoo Hoo!" and the inimitable "(This is from Carol:)", we stumble upon a two-in-one account that belongs to FDC's own Mickey and Minnie Mouse walkarounds. Rich and Carol Koster's positions in the FDC is unique in that they were bestowed upon them by an enthusi- astic newsgroup. Undaunted, and eager to make up for lost time, the buckets came splashing from their direction. Carol Koster was born in Mobile, AL. At the age of four or five, her parent's dutifully drove her to California in the family car to visit Disneyland. Following that special day in the Happiest Place on Earth, while her parents were packing their suitcases to leave, Carol batted her brown eyes and plaintively told Mommy and Daddy "I was so happy to see Disneyland. I wish I could be happy again...." Carol's parents granted her wish, though their second magical day at Walt's Magic Kingdom was unplanned. As soon as they were inside the Disney- land parking lot that second day, Carol announced she had forgotten to put her underwear on. Back to the motel! Then back to Disney- land! Carol claims that she learned a valuable lesson and has remem- bered to wear underwear at Disney parks ever since. Carol lived for seven years in Sacramento, CA, and returned to Mobile to attend college. Carol earned a BA degree in Communication Arts with honors from Spring Hill College in Mobile, Alabama and spent most of her career in radio and TV broadcasting. Carol met and mar- ried Rich Koster in 1980, and relocated to the New Orleans area with him in 1988, where she now lives as a housewife. She's currently a member and past officer of the New Orleans Commodore Klub Amiga Group computer users' group, a current member of the NFFC and of its New Orleans-Baton Rouge chapter. Carol worked briefly as a "casual cast member" at one of the local Disney Stores during the Holiday 1993 season but was not retained. [Maybe she was too casual - Ed.] The FDC appointed her FDC Walk Around Minnie Mouse in January 1994, and in April 1994 Carol was asked to present the first FDC Special Pixie Award at the FDC's First Castle Banquet. Carol's other interests include being a news junkie and following the New Orleans music and cultural scene. Carol notes that "We write as `pay back' for all the Disney fun, news, insights and education others provided us since logging on to the nets two years ago. We regard it simply as another way of enjoying Disney fun with other people with a common interest. We never anticipated writing about our Disney-related trips on the Disney `information superhighway' would lead to such wonderful expe- riences, surprises or meeting such genuinely nice people!" Rich Koster - rich@yensid.ness.com Of course, any biography of Carol should include that of her husband. Rich Koster was born in Westbury, New York and turns 41 on May 2nd, although he still remains young at heart. He discovered the joys of May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 5 Southern living when he moved to New Orleans to attend Loyola U under an academic scholarship, where he graduated with a BA in Communica- tions. He first visited WDW during college and has loved it ever since. Rich says it is a lot of fun to be able to walk around in a place filled with pleasant memories of watching childhood Disney TV shows and movies. Watching the 50's Mickey Mouse Club, Walt Disney on Sunday nights, and growing up close to New York City where he vis- ited many live and taped TV shows inspired Rich to want a show biz career so he could help people enjoy themselves. As a kid he played "Gypsy Rondo" on NYC's "Wonderama" TV show. [But did he ever win `Simon Says?' - Ed.] His 22 years in broadcasting have included jobs as a disc jockey, announcer, producer, film editor, audio technician, videotape editor, director, and graphics artist. Since late 1988 Rich has worked as senior graphics artist at WVUE-TV in New Orleans and his graphics and animation have won numerous awards, including a Cleo for a nationally-aired Barq's Root Beer commercial. Every day he strives to improve his skills so that one day he'll be able to work for the Disney Company. [Isn't that what the FDC is all about? Ed.] In 1980 he met and married his wife Carol, and they've had a wonder- ful marriage ever since. Rich's favorite spot at WDW is Splash Moun- tain and his favorite place at DL is Car Toon Spin. His idea of relaxation is floating at Typhoon Lagoon. He looks forward to the official Disneyana Conventions each year. Rich and Carol's Disneyana trip reports can be downloaded from the Mickey's Kingdom BBS in Cali- fornia. [This BBS can be reached at (909) 242-3975 - Ed.] Rich and Carol are among the founding members of the "Louiseyana Disneyana" chapter of the NFFC. Rich enjoys piano playing and singing Disney songs with Carol. Rich is a moderator.aide on the Fidonet Amiga echo. On the Fidonet Disney echo, Rich has been dubbed "One of the EchoEARS Old Men" and along with Carol, they have been called "The Den Leaders of the Fidonet Disney Echo." Rich, along with Carol, is very pleased to have been appointed to be FDC Walk-Around Mickey and Minnie Mouse. __________________________________________________________________________ The First Annual FDC Honors Results by John Courtney Howard __________________________________________________________________________ [Editor's Note: The following represents the results of a poll taken by John Howard among the USENET subscribers of r.a.d. John has requested that these results be published in DIS' 'n' DAT, so here they are!] Greetings and welcome to the First Annual FDC Honors. I started organizing the FDC Honors back in March after I noticed one day that some people really contribute greatly to the Future Disney Cabinet and to the USENET Newsgroup "rec.arts.disney." These people contribute a great amount of their time to furthering everyone's knowledge of Disney, and help us appreciate the fun that Disney represents. The FDC Honors are a representation of who the readers of r.a.d think go above and beyond the call of duty for a member of the FDC. A poll was run on r.a.d, and the readers sent their votes in to me, to say who they thought was the most Disney of the bunch. May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 6 This year there were three basic categories, The first of which was "Rookie of the Year." The Rookie of the Year award is given to a new FDC Member from the past year, who their fellow FDC Members feel has the most potential of being a major force in the creativity of the FDC. The two other categories are "The FDC Man of the Year" and "The FDC Woman of the Year." The winners of these categories are those people the their fellow FDC Members felt contribute the most in quality and creativity to r.a.d. And now, without further ado, I present The First Annual Future Dis- ney Cabinet Honors: The FDC Rookie of the Year: presented by John Howard It is my great honor to present the Future Disney Cabinet Rookie of the Year award to Carol Koster. Carol recently joined the Future Disney Cabinet, and took the position of the FDC Walk-Around Minnie Mouse. Dur- ing that time, Carol has presented us with a large quantity of articles describing new projects that the Disney company is undertaking, as well as witty and entertaining articles about Disney. Carol has been a beacon on r.a.d, as bright as the second star to the right, and leading us to a Never-Neverland, where we will never grow up. She represents the fun, and the innocence that the legacy of Walter Elias Disney has come to represent. Special Honor - Special Achievement Award: presented by John Howard The Future Disney Cabinet is proud to present the 1994 Special Achievement Award to David Cuthbert , the Official FDC Registrar. Thanks to David's enormous efforts, the FDC has an official registry that helps the FDC to operate and survive. His work has greatly aided FDC Members, both new and old, with applying for FDC positions. The Future Disney Cabinet would like to thank David from the bottom of our hearts. The FDC Man of the Year: presented by Margeret Gerberi (*Tink*) As herald of the Fantasy in the Sky fireworks above the Disney Cas- tles, Tinker Bell regularly encounters extraordinary magic in the Disney nighttime sky. Anyone who has enjoyed the opportunity of viewing Disney fireworks must agree when I say that each colorful burst of light and music heightens the magical experience. Man, woman, and child, forgetting their tired feet and countless minutes in queue, recall the adventure and delight of a day spent in the parks. Memories of their favorite Disney films and stories come to mind. The words of Disney inspiration remind them that their every wish and dream can come true when they wish upon a star and believe in themselves. Today I have the honor of presenting the FDC Man of the Year Award. Our honoree soars with spirit, entrancing r.a.d readers with his creativ- ity, light-hearted wit, and Disney imagination. When I started reading r.a.d, a spry little pixie immediately noticed that, like the fireworks, each virtual burst of his magic surpasses the last. People everywhere can retreat to the company of their fellow Disney fans on r.a.d, leaving their May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 7 tired souls behind to recall their own favorite Disney memories as they enter a whole new world - a world peopled with ducks, and cats, and bears, and mice... and carpets. Geoff Thomas, our very own FDC Magic Carpet, invariably twists and loops his way into the affections and admiration of r.a.d readers every- where. His genuinely motivated goal to share his appreciation for the Disney Spirit makes the FDC and r.a.d a pleasurable way to share in the same Disney Creativity that brought a carpet to life. As FDC Simba, Geoff has enlivened a little cub we don't yet know - and I can't say that FDC Members will be able to see "The Lion King" without thinking of the little Simba that scampers about the net. Amazingly enough, Geoff has _never_ visited a Disney Theme Park. While many of r.a.d readers enjoy the luxury of visiting/working at the Parks, even if it is on the very rarest of occasions, Geoff eagerly plans his _first_ opportunity to live the Disney Magic at the locations Walt specifically set aside for Disney fans everywhere. In the meantime, he generates his own Pixie Dust from within his own spirit... his Disney inspiration comes from music, from video, and (as I'm sure Geoff would agree) from the experiences he shares with the people on r.a.d. It is with greatest pleasure that I am able to present the FDC Man of the Year Award to Geoff Thomas, FDC Magic Carpet, FDC around Simba, and FDC "Yaaahh"around Kermit the Frog. This pixie shares in the sincere applause extended by all FDC Members and r.a.d readers that celebrates your pyrotechnic contributions to the Disney Magic we enjoy in the FDC. The FDC Woman of the Year: presented by Bob Ito It's my pleasure and privilege to announce the first FDC Woman of the Year award, as it goes to none other than our own FDC Walka- round Belle, Amberle Ferrian! Regular readers of r.a.d probably won't be too surprised by this award, since Amberle is a prolific contributor to our (formerly quiet) newsgroup. But what makes her posts such an enjoyable part of r.a.d isn't their quantity, but instead the various qualities she shares with her namesake that she displays in those articles. Like Belle, Amberle has a quick and lively wit - although you're probably wondering if Belle would ever come up with anything like the wonderfully demented "Bobbitt John." That, of course, is one of her wickedly funny song parodies that she peri- odically unleashes on the net, which have ranged from "Hell" to "Slick Willie" and even "Catch A Toon," which she wrote to go along with my draw- ing "Beauty and the Beach." Besides that, she's one of the main perpetra- tors behind the ongoing aquatic anarchy of the r.a.d Water Wars. But in addition to being the queen of mirth and mayhem, she's a source of useful Disney information (like Belle, she's an omnivorous reader), and at times her posts will be thoughtful and serious, too. There's another contribution that Amberle makes to r.a.d, and that's her role as the distribution arm of "Ito Galleries, Inc." Amberle's the one who scans the pictures in, writes the humorous descriptions, and posts them to the net - and lately I've also been sending her copies of my rough sketches, because I've found her comments to be very helpful. So, I'd like to take this opportunity to say `thank you' to Amberle, since there really wouldn't be an "Ito Galleries, Inc." without her. May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 8 So, to our first FDC Woman of the Year: Congratulations, Amberle! And thus ends The First Annual Future Disney Cabinet Honors. Con- gratulations to all of the winners! I would like to give my sincere thanks to Bob Ito and Margeret Ger- beri for their contributions, Larry Gensch for publishing the results in DIS' 'n' DAT, and everyone who participated in the voting, for without you, there would be no FDC Honors. __________________________________________________________________________ Top 10 Reasons Why the Mighty Ducks Didn't Make the Playoffs by Amberle Ferrian __________________________________________________________________________ Yes, folks... in a sport where just about every team advances to the endless post-season, the Ducks are one of the very few teams sitting on the sidelines. Of course, no team really likes to admit defeat. As a public service to those brave team members, we now present: Top Ten Reasons Why the Mighty Ducks Didn't Make the Playoffs 10. Jeffrey Katzenberg insisted on playing goalie 9. Kids from the Mighty Ducks movies beat them in an exhibition match 8. Players left in disgust when Eisner prohibited fighting to promote wholesome Disney family fare 7. Mascot got caught in a giant mousetrap 6. Too many players on injured list after Disney signed a movie con- tract with Tonya Harding and gave her directions to Arrowhead Pond instead of the studio by mistake 5. _You_ try to check someone when you're in a Donald Duck Walk- Around costume 4. The FDA and NHL sued Disney when they learned that the pucks were really leftover hamburger patties from Tomorrowland Terrace 3. Black Mickey Mouse mourning bands worn after Frank Wells' death choked off circulation in the players' arms 2. Team roster continually mixed up with "Disney's World on Ice" ros- ter And the number one reason why the Mighty Ducks didn't make the playoffs is... 1. Home-court ice became jinxed after Walt was found in it __________________________________________________________________________ An Extraordinary Opportunity for Collectors __________________________________________________________________________ From the same people who brought you Sericels and Limited Edition Cels... May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 9 Here at the Disney Studios Ink and Paint Department, our talented janitors have meticulously salvaged a *very limited* number of unused original blank production cels. Many of these date back more than half-a- century. These blank cels are being offered to the readers of DIS' 'n' DAT beautifully framed with a certificate of authenticity. Because each blank cel is unique, yours may be slightly different from those which you are familiar with. However, all faithfully represent the minimalist artistic talents which are prized by collectors and art museums around the world. Moreover, it has the Disney name on it which is worth at least the price we are charging. Some of the cels being offered include acetates which were intended to be used in the following films: o The Little Mermaid o The Great Mouse Detective o The Black Cauldron o and many, many more! We also have some of the original blank nitrate stock used, for exam- ple, in the first talking Disney cartoon, _Steamboat Willie_, as well as other classics from this era (Fire insurance available separately). Why settle for Sericels or even Limited Edition Cels when you can own the real thing? To further add to the authenticity of these pieces, we are also charging an authentically ridiculous price. Act now and get your unique blank production cel before they are all gone! Contact the Anima- tion Art Editions, Minimalist Art Department (formerly Surplus Disposal), for further information at 1-800-235-6888... that's 1-800-CEL-OUTT. One of our artistic consultants will be happy to discuss the details with you, including arrangement for bank transfers to one of Michael Eisner's Swiss and Cayman Islands accounts for payment. Call now! Operators are stand- ing by! __________________________________________________________________________ Euro Disney's Official Theme Song by Amberle Ferrian __________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 1994 Amberle Ferrian. Permission is hereby granted to dis- tribute this parody freely for nonprofit use, so long as this copyright notice is present and credit is given to the author of this work. As we all know, the Academy Award-winning "When You Wish Upon a Star" from Pinocchio is the official theme song of the Walt Disney Company. For many folks, this song nostalgically conjures the magic and wonder that's so common in the Disney theme parks. But with the loss of over $1 billion posted by Euro Disney over the last fiscal year, it takes on a slightly different meaning there... When you lose a billion bucks Please admit your theme park sucks Anything that Eisner tries Will cost still more May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 10 Vis-i-tors are very rare And the French don't want it there When you lose a billion bucks You'll soon be poor Mike's a fool His park's a total lie You bet the banks won't buy His loans out-standing...('standing...) Euro Dis-ney is a loss 'Best give it the coupe de grace When you lose a billion bucks You'll close your doors __________________________________________________________________________ DIS' 'n' DAT is an on-line newsletter published monthly by Larry Gensch. Copyright (C) 1994 Larry Gensch, except where individual copyright is retained by the authors. All rights reserved. Anything may be reprinted in whole or in part with proper attribution to DIS' 'n' DAT. All inci- dents, situations, and events depicted or described in DIS' 'n' DAT are fictional, and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters pre- sented therein to living persons, toons, alleged NHL teams, or Disney executives is purely coincidental. So get a life, OK? __________________________________________________________________________ CONTRIBUTIONS People wishing to contribute to DIS' 'n' DAT should send email to the pub- lication at the internet address "." Please state explicitly if you wish to retain copyright or anonymity for any material submitted. The editor assumes no liability for unsolicited material of any kind. __________________________________________________________________________ STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF / PUBLISHER lar3ry gensch CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Amberle Ferrian ADVERTISING MANAGER John Howard May 94 DIS' 'n' DAT Page 11 CONTRIBUTORS Margeret Gerberi John Howard Bob Ito Carol Koster Rich Koster Sherline Lee David Uy __________________________________________________________________________ AVAILABILITY DIS' 'n' DAT is posted monthly to the Usenet newsgroup rec.arts.disney just prior to the calendar month of the issue date. Two mailing lists are maintained for this newsletter. To subscribe, send email to and state whether you wish to receive either the ASCII or the PostScript version. The following ftp archives contain back issues of DIS' 'n' DAT: o ftp.wang.com[]:/pub/lar3ry/* o yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au[]:/pub/rec.arts.disney/creative/dnd/* o cco.caltech.edu[]:/pub/rec.arts.disney/creative/dnd/* If you have site that wishes to allow anonymous users to retrieve past issues (via ftp, mail server, or downloading) please send email with information to . May 94